Lady Ann Novels Shop

Welcome to Lady Ann Novels! 

Here you will find non-fiction novels written by self published Author-Satarah A Hodge. In addition to novels you can purchase other great items to add to your reading enjoyment! Whether it's a engraved ink pen, T-Shirts, Bookmarks and more say these items make a statement on their own. 

A little bit about the author:

I have always wanted to write books. Ever since I was a child. I would draw houses on paper and could imagine a whole life story for that house. Who lived there. Were they nice people. If they had children. That imagination took me to journaling in my teenage years. Writing my feelings about traumatic and stressful events that happened everyday of my real life. But, i always thought that publishing a book was only for the wealthy or you needed an agent. Since I was neither I kept the "Want" in my mind but set a goal to find out how to get around that myth. I later came into contact with a woman who wrote her own hair care book and I decided to ask her how she went about publishing her book. As soon as I received the information from her I immediately began looking into bringing my life long dream into fruition. Within three months I had my very first novel published!  

"Broken Branches"- my very first novel is on Amazon available for paperback as well as ebook. 

*Broken Branches. 2021 Copyright. All rights are reserved.

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